Ricardo Beck, nato a San Paolo, Brasile, è un Environmental Manager, specializzato in soluzioni innovative per riciclare rifiuti organici. Nel 2011 ha fondato la Cadico Minhocas, un’impresa no profit per diffondere tra le famiglie brasiliane le tecniche di compostaggio, grazie alla quale oltre 3000 famiglie in Brasile producono compost nelle loro case. L’Environment Program dell’ONU in cooperazione con la Bayer Brasile ha selezionato Ricardo come Giovane Ambasciatore dell’Ambiente per il Brasile.
He is Environmental Manager engaged in create innovative solutions to recycle organic waste. Ricardo is from São Paulo, Brazil. In 2011, he founded the Cadico Minhocas venture, a non-profit project to spread the household composting techniques across Brazil and, thanks to his iniatiative, today more than 3.000 families have started to compost in their houses.
The United Nations Environment Programme in cooperation with Bayer Brazil has selected Ricardo as a Brazilian Young Environmental Ambassador. Ricardo is a keen on travelling, always wish to take on a new challenge throughout the world. Since the beginning of the current year, Ricardo started his new waste management project “Revolución del Compost” in Madrid, Spain, and in few months got the recognition and strengthen of his network of important supporting partners as Deusto Business School, Impact Hub Madrid and Ecoembes.
Currently, Ricardo is designing a model of small-scale composting plants, an idea to join Employment of socially-marginalised people, Circular Economy and Local Development with the possibility of being replicated in various countries around the world.