Evi Freri

Laurea in Studi Europei all’Università del Pireo e Master in Management dei Servizi all’Università di Atene, Evi Freri è cofondatrice e Chief Business Officer di Cyclefi. Ha vasta  esperienza nel settore vendite, marketing strategico e project management. E’ responsabile dell’organizzazione del lavoro e delle strategie di business, con particolare riguardo a quelle delle partnership. Ha preso parte a esperienze di volontariato nel settore dell’ambiente, organizzando eventi per diverse ONG per aumentare conoscenza e consapevolezza dei cittadini su temi sociali e ambientali.

She is the co-founder and Chief Business Officer (CBO) of Cyclefi and she is responsible for the business development. Freri has an extensive experience in sales, strategic marketing and project management and she is responsible to monitor the process of the tasks of the business, propose business strategies and tools and be responsible for the business partnerships in order integrate Cyclefi’s business model. In fact, Mrs Freri has specialized skills and expertise on business development in services m strategic marketing and community engagement strategy. Freri holds a Master in Services Management, with focus on business development and consulting, from the Athens University of Economics and Business and a Bachelor in International and European Studies at School of Economics, Business and International Studies of University of Piraeus. In addition, she has an extensive volunteering experience in the field of the environment, by participating in NGOs and organizing events related in raising awareness about environmental and social issues.